Vata Seasonal Collection
I understand trying to keep on top of your health needs using Ayurvedic principals can be challenging. There is so much information to remember on what suits your dosha for each season. Let me take care of the basics for you, I will send you everything you need to manage each season and maintain a healthy balanced dosha.
Vata constitutes the elements of air and space and governs the movement in the body and mind, it’s important to remember these attributes when looking at how you can manage balance throughout the seasons.
Vata consists mostly of the two elements air and space (also known as ether) and is generally described as cold, light, dry, rough, flowing, and spacious. Autumn represents vata for its cool, crisp days.
Those with the vata dosha are usually described as slim, energetic, and creative. They’re known for thinking outside the box but can become easily distracted. What’s more, their mood is highly dependent on the weather, people around them, and foods they eat.
Strengths: learn quickly, highly creative, multitasker, kind-hearted, flexible, “on the go,” naturally slim
Weaknesses: forgetful, anxious, unstable mood, can get overwhelmed easily, highly sensitive to the cold, has trouble sleeping, irregular appetite and eating patterns, prone to digestive issues and gas, poor circulation
summer is a time to soak up the sunshine. Enjoy the heat, and focus your attention on staying grounded and well-hydrated. Don’t get overexposed to summer’s dry, sharp, and mobile qualities.
As Autumn approaches, those of a predominant vata constitution should take special care that their inherent vata nature (prakruti) does not become imbalanced — leading to problems such as dry skin, insomnia, nervousness, restless sleep, and constipation
Winter is Vata season so it’s easy for those of Vata constitution to become out of balance at this time of year.
If you have Vata dominating your constitution probably you really enjoy this season and you feel more balanced! It’s important to not get too complacent or get caught out.
Every season you’ll receive a pack containing Recipe’s, Herbs and spices, a specially formulated oil and a guide to being your best for this season over $200 value for less than $30 per month on our subscription plan.