Welcome, I suppose you would explain my business as a Modern day herbal apothecary and Ayurvedic wellness centre created by (me) @naomi_ingleton (my personal insta) based in Beechworth, you’ll also find @thefarmacygarden My medicinal herb farm nursery, and all things medicinal herbs and seeds you find to grow yourself.

I’m so glad you found me, like you I’m a self-confessed herb nerd who has made it her mission to swap out some of your medicine cabinet with something a little more natural. In fact, I’ll even teach you how make it yourself. No, sneaky chemicals and no mystery ingredients, just pure natural home-grown herbs.
You may have guessed I have a pretty great garden with a background in food and horticulture, I’m a little obsessed with growing all types of plants and I’ve discovered they are all pretty much medicinal so I went back to the books and learnt about evidence based Herbal medicine from an eastern with the amazing ancient Indian medicine system of Ayuveda, Ayur = Life and Veda = Science followed by the western perspective, that of my ancestors through a bachelor degree in Health Science specialising in Wester Herbal Medicine.
You’ll be amazed at how some simple effective herb based treatments can change how you feel within yourself, I use herbal energetics and some other nerdy science techniques to make high potency herbal extracts and products from plants grown locally in and around our farm in North East Victoria. I’ve tried to make it easy for you to find what you need, so lets jump into the weeds together.