Full body warm oil massage from head to toe
Warm medicated oil in a slow stream on your forehead
Specialist Muscular Skeletal treatment for knee, Spine or Eyes
Naomi Ingleton is a Chef, Horticulturist, Ayurvedic practitioner and studying a Bachelor of Health Science in Western Herbal Medicine. A lifetime of exploring the benefits of herbs and food as medicine from seed to self has enabled Naomi to share her knowledge in a unique and understanding way that blends the Eastern and Western principals of energetic herbalism so that they work for you as an individual.
Ayurveda is an ancient Indian medicine system that has root cause at the centre, looking to balance your inert nature and work with your individual constitution to find the best solution for your health needs.
Naomi Ingleton
Ayurvedic Lifestyle Practitioner
Naomi is a qualified Ayurvedic Lifestyle practitioner, Herbalist and Intuitive Mentor.
Having struggled with my own health after 2 pregnancies and a very busy business I searched for a health approach that would work for my individual needs. Finding Ayurvedic medicine resonated with me as the focus is on the individual and not one size fits all.
Naomi Offers the following services –
Ayurvedic Nutrition & Lifestyle advice, Shirodhara, Abyanga, Kati Basti and Crystal Reiki
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Curious about Ayurveda? Take the Dosha quiz now
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Our Clinic is located in the historic town of Beechworth, Victoria.
66 Ford St